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QR Sharing Tips & Tricks

A collection of helpful advice for sharing QR codes with PicPic Social

Mathieu Gordon avatar
Written by Mathieu Gordon
Updated over a week ago

Most video files are far too large to be received as a regular attachment via email or text, so enabling Microsites is an absolute requirement. Step 2 is essential for successful 360 events.

QR codes are a quick and handy way for people to swiftly get their videos at an event. There are many excellent and unique ways to decorate your QR code exported, like the example below. You can also generate a QR code for your Microsite gallery if desired.

On the right-hand side of the Event View Page is a Gallery Link section with a QR code icon allowing you to download your QR Code. A QR code is generated automatically with each event. The clip below will show you how to download the QR code from the event view page.

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