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Sharing Emails via PicPic Social

Learn how to enable Email sharing as an event sharing option within PicPic Social.

Mathieu Gordon avatar
Written by Mathieu Gordon
Updated over a week ago


PicPic Social allows your guests to share up to 4 photos at a time through email. These emails can also be completely customized (Find out more on how to fully customize your email templates here). This guide will get you started with basic set up for sharing your event photos through email.

Required Steps

[A] Create/Edit An Existing Event
[B] Enable Email Sharing
[C] Modify Email Settings
[D] Update/Create Your Event

[A] Create/Edit An Existing Event

Login to your PicPic Social dashboard here and create a new event or edit an existing event.

[B] Enable Email Sharing

  1. In your event sharing options, click on the box to enable email sharing.

[C] Modify Email Settings

Modify your Email Settings as desired:

  1. Email Template - Click into the template space to choose a custom template rather than the default one selected. IMPORTANT NOTE: You can find the guide to show you how to create a custom email template for email sharing here.

  2. Email Subject Line - Choose what you would like your guests to see in the subject line when receiving the email with their shares.

  3. Email From Address - Decide the email from address you want your guests to see to reply to

  4. Email From Name - Your email from name can be your company name and/or event name

[D] Update/Create Your Event

Scroll down to the bottom of your event and click Update Event or Create Event if you are making a new event.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Remember to press UPDATE on the Device Server to see the changes reflected on the Sharing Station if you are editing the event.

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