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How To Setup Surveys & View Responses in PicPic Social

Learn how to setup Surveys and view your Survey answers in this helpful guide!

Mathieu Gordon avatar
Written by Mathieu Gordon
Updated over a week ago

1. Create a Survey

In the PicPic Social Dashboard, go to Templates > Surveys and press the Blue Circle with the + sign to create a New Survey.

Enter the initial Survey information in the GENERAL section settings...

  • Name

  • Title (The Survey title displays on the iPad and Virtual Booth when filled out)

  • Description (The Survey description is displayed on the iPad and Virtual Booth when filled out)

  • Mandatory (Enable if you would like for guests NOT to be able to opt-out of the Survey)

Now it's time to create your Survey questions. Below will break down all of the Survey question types and examples of how to fill them out.

  • String: Single line question. Best used to retrieve a guest's full name or email.

  • Radio: Select one question. Best used for yes or no questions.

  • Checkbox: Simple closed-ended question. Best used if you would like a user to opt into a mailing list.

  • Text: Paragraph question. Best used if you would like more detailed information from a user.

  • Multiselect: Multiple choice question. Best used when you want guests to identify one or more correct answers in a list of possible options.

[2] Selecting Surveys Template in Virtual Booth Events

Add the Survey to your Virtual Booth event settings. You can enable it in the Add-On settings section of your event. Make sure to turn on the Add-On status for the Survey, just like below.

[3] Selecting Survey Template in Sharing Station Events

Add the Survey to your Sharing Station event settings. You can find the Survey settings in the Advance settings section of your event, just like below.

[4] Viewing your Survey Responses

You can export your Survey as a PDF or Excel sheet. You can easily view your survey responses by going back to the Template > Surveys section. Select your Survey to view the answers as I do below.

OR, if you have the data collection feature as part of your plan, you can quickly get to your responses via the Data Capture. You can even connect the answer to the user who shared it by clicking 'View' in the survey column of your data information.

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